Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Treats Please

Oh my goodness....Nothing fits!  
          Here we are approaching New Years Eve and everything I put on is a bit more than snug.  As one friend once said " Just because you can wear it, doesn't mean you should!" Since Thanksgiving I have been breaking all my eating rules.  Normally I steer away from gluten's, dairy and sugar. Lately it appears that I will not eat anything that does not contain at least one of the above.  The way I see it, I spend most of the year caring for this body that my soul currently resides in.  However this time of year I pull all the plugs, I enjoy the delectable's, my friend's and all the parties.  I eat and drink to my hearts contentment.  I call it Treating, not Cheating on my diet.  
           Lets face it being healthy is a lot of work, so for a limited time giving yourself positive reinforcement is a wonderful thing.  Giving a horse or dog a treat when something good is accomplished does wonders in training, why wouldn't it work with humans?  If you  have worked hard at good health, perhaps a reward is in order.  We all look ahead at what we wish to accomplish in the year to come.  Spend some time reviewing what you have already accomplished this past year and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back...or a new bracelet...or a COOKIE!!!! 
To follow is another of my Horse Wisdom Cards
Treats Please

Positive reinforcement
works for all living things.
Have you given yourself a treat
lately? If you accomplish some task
that you feel good about, give
yourself a treat! Maybe it’s
sharing lunch with a friend or
taking a long nap in the sun.
When we celebrate our
accomplishments and reward
ourselves, new success comes
that much easier!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hold Your Horses

             How much time do you spend really being with the ones you love?  I mean really being with them...not sitting in the same room and having your mind on the office, the problems, the lists.  Most of the time our busy lives push us into not being present. 
              I often find myself walking in the beautiful woods around my home with my dogs and  not noticing my surroundings.  My mind is on the day ahead, my bills, my aching knee, anyplace but where I am at.  I am not noticing how cute my little dogs back feet look when she runs, or how graceful my wolfhound looks as she leaps over stonewalls just because she can.  I am missing the sunlight reflecting off the lake and the crystals of frost on the branches.  What usually happens is that I will trip, and that jars me back to the present.  I come back from that place in my mind that takes me away from those I love and puts me into fear and worry.  Thank you root for tripping me so that I can delight in the woods and the beautiful dogs that I love so much. 
             This Holiday, remind yourself to stay in the moment. Give yourself a present - be in the present.  Really be with those you love, they can be gone in an instant.  Don't miss a minuet!

Have a wonderful Holiday. 
Here is another one of my cards and remember to Hold Your Horses!

Hold Your Horses

People and Animals can both
give hugs. Touch heals.
The simple, wordless warmth of
a physical connection does us good.
Heal yourself, heal someone else, give
and get a hug today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Anxiety Attack

           Here we go on the amazing Holiday "Joy" ride!  How many of us swear that, "Next year I am going to cut back"  We spend our time racing around, spending money that really cannot be spared, stressing over the condition of our home, the volume of food in the fridge, the travel arrangements, the wrapping and on and on. 
          The past few years have taught me much. (An old dog can learn!)  The swing of the economy forced me to stop spending on gifts that will be forgotten tomorrow. 
I shop from my closet, giving away precious things that mean the world to me and have been admired by the friends I gift them to. 
I am spending time with my friends and family instead of shopping.
I am spending time being grateful for what I have.  
This is a difficult thing for so many of my clients. They get bogged down in their lack, their loss, their loneliness.  I ask them, to spend a few moments each evening prior to sleep to jot down what they are grateful for.  Some days it can be tough...perhaps the only thing to be grateful for was the hot cup of coffee in the morning.  Other days it is easier and full.  This exercise is to get you to think about the good and not go to sleep focused on the bad.  
This day I am Grateful for...
The smiling faces of my two dogs that say "Good morning" each day,
The warm sunshine streaming into my living room,
The coffee, of course,
The fire wood that heats my home,
The cell phone that connects me with the world outside....
I could go on and on, and its not even noon!
Starting now, for the Holidays, give it a try. 
Give your anxiety a time out and focus on the good around you. 
Give yourself that gift.
One of my teachers, Abraham once said, "Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want." Create what you do want...more of your Grateful list!
The following is one of my Horse Wisdom Cards

Anxiety Attack

Oh’ve allowed
your deepest fears to take over!
First, take some deep breaths
to calm yourself. Then get to a safe
place and remember what you were
thinking before you suddenly
tensed up. Just because something
spooked you here once doesn’t mean
there’s a danger now.
Take another look at the trail
and your fear and realize
that you’re all right

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The holidays can be a delightful time or a sad time.  When we experience the loss of a loved one,  we feel it so much more acutely during the Holidays.  In the past couple of months I have helped a few dear one's make the transition to the other side, human and animal.  What I have come to learn over the past decade of working with the spirit of animals and people, is that there is no death.  That's it...there is no death of the spirit, only of the body.  I have been told that it feels like taking off a tight suit (or bra) there is a deep breath and a great release of discomfort. 

Last year I had a vision or dream ....I dreamed that I was in a swimming pool.  By the side of the pool stood a man and two women. The man was Azrael, the Archangel that takes us to the other side.  He asked if I was ready, and I said I was.  Together we went to the bottom of the pool where I exhaled a few times till I was breathing water.  He said, "Okay, lets go."
We got out of the pool, and he walked through the wall and I went through the door.  On the other side there was a bright sunny field, brighter and more beautiful than words can convey.  A large group of people came up towards me with great happiness on their faces. I felt I knew them but was not sure.  They seemed somewhat disappointed that I did not quite remember them.  There was music and a grand feast happening.  My two Irish wolfhounds, that had passed away, ran up to me to greet me.  Oh much joy!  
My grandmother was there also.  She asked me if I wanted to stay, I replied that I felt that I had to go back, that I had more to do.  I had great sadness in my heart, but I had to leave.
I walked back towards the door and re-entered the pool area.  It was then I awoke.

I believe I was given a vision of what is to come-a vision of my heaven.  If I could only express to you the joy I felt, you would no longer fear death, or be sad for the lost of an earthbound loved one.  Our time here is short, but our spirits are eternal, and you will be together again very soon.

Here is one of my Horse Wisdom cards 

Horse Angels 

The ones that you love and have lost to
the other side are never really gone.
They are there and also here. Your loved
ones send you their blessings and support all
the time. When you suddenly think of someone
who has left this earth, or have a dream about
someone long gone, they are sending you a
message that they are with you and loving you.
There is no “good-bye;” only
“I’ll see you later.”

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog Intro!

It has always been my intention to share the information I have gathered throughout the years.  In the time to come I will offer you my writings, my training DVD and my stories.  I hope you will find that this information will be helpful in your communication with your animals and with yourself.

The following is a taste of things to come...From one of my Horse Wisdom Cards
Run for the Roses

What do you think about every day?
The derby winner can only see the
finish line. All of his intention is on
being the first to get there.What do you
focus on-the dream you want to come true
or all the problems that are holding
you back? Notice your thoughts and
replace the negative ones with positive
ones.The results will be magical!
You can create anything with your
focus and intention.