Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gross Eating Habits

A lot has happened in the last few days. My Dogs, I have gotten a grand response from my blog, (folks are wondering what "Rock Pushing " is all about - see You Tube of me in the sidebar.  I might not be the only hound pushing rocks, but I think I am the smallest dog with the largest rock!) and I got in a bit of trouble.  Brigit, alias "The Dope" got really ticked off, and that's not good when you weigh 16lbs and she weighs 120 lbs.  So in order to remain on the outside of her stomach, I have to give her the floor (or keyboard) for a minuet. Then we will get on to "Gross eating habits."
Brigit here....OK  I just have two things to say-
1- Just because I am tall and fast and extremely gorgeous, it does not mean that I am Dumb!
2- Ugh...what are we talking about....was that a squirrel!

Like I said...Dope.  Now that we got that over with...lets start!
Here is a letter from a dog who is always grossing out his human.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My business has gone to the DOGS!

I just can't take it any more!  There she sits, staring at the computer screen begging for inspiration. The She I am speaking of is my human Sheila Ryan.  She likes to think that she likes to write but I know she is full of S#*%.  She hasn't a clue as to what to say!  Me, on the other paw...I am completely different.  I have a ton of things to say, and do so, all day every day.  I know that other than being the best rock pusher on earth, that I am one of the most intelligent and cutest beings on earth!  So I have pushed her away from the computer and have taken over.  Starting today I will be answering questions from dogs and their humans about everything under the sun, cause like I said I am a geniuses, but if perhaps a question is asked that I can't handle, I have a pack of experts from around the country that can help.  I have been traveling with my human for eight years now and have made many great contacts.  Besides pushing rocks I have many other hobbies so it will be fun to explore them also. So lets get started. Here is a question from a dear friend who has a "problem"  A big "problem"!

Dear Liddy,
I have been developing a problem for several years now. I am a 4 year old male Corgi with a terrible weight issue.  Its getting to be a real issue! My human is starting to use me as a hassock!  How demeaning...I go from being a hiking partner and best friend to being a foot rest.  Its all very sad, but I can no longer keep up with him.  What should I do?
signed, Rotund in Rhode Island