Friday, January 27, 2012

Show Time!

            I just returned from a working trip to Wellington FL.  Its a different world down there. Every road has a bridal path beside it and everywhere you look you see beautiful horses and their riders.  It is a community of horse lovers with various passions, polo, jumping and dressage.  They flock to Wellington to compete against the best, to see where they rank in the group and to train with the top instructors. Being a horse lover, its like going to a Rocky movie, extremely motivating and very exciting.  One thing I noticed while watching the events, is how most of the winners are focused, calm and relaxed.  I am speaking of the riders, trainers and horses. The competition is intense, the amount of money spent is insane and the pressure is thick in the air, but they enter a zen like space and keep it together.  
           When we think of our day to day lives, its really not that much different than what they are facing.  We all have pressures in our lives, the stories and environments are different, but all the same issues are on the line.  We must all keep our health in balance, we must all keep our positive attitudes and we must all stay focused on our goals...but most of all we must all love what we are doing and have fun at this adventure of life!
Have a great adventure this week and and have it in joy!
Here is another of my Horse Wisdom Cards
Show Time!
You’ve been practicing….endlessly.
Now it’s time to trot out there
with the others and see
the progress you’ve made.
This is not a test – it’s a measure
of how far you’ve come.
Most of all, it’s fun!
Feel confident in your power and
strengths and move out towards
the show ring with
your head held high!

Friday, January 13, 2012


                  Here is a view that I have the privilege to experience on my morning walk.  This morning, a strong warm wind was moving away yesterdays rain clouds.  The feeling was delicious.  It is here that I feel closest to my God, Spirit as I call it.  I held my arms up and prayed out loud into the rushing wind, my thanks, my love of my life and my asking for help.  Like everyone else, I have my days of wishing that the wind would just take me home to where spirit resides and get me out of my mess.  On other days like today, I am so glad to have the opportunity to be here doing my work, having the pleasure of my friends and surrounding nature. But every day, no matter what my current emotional condition,  I pray for help.  Spirit, like a good friend is always there to help us find our way.  Sometimes we don't like what we hear, but the information always comes from love.  However like a good friend, its important to ask for the help.  No one likes to be told what to do, but once help is asked for the suggestions come to a heart welcome to receive.   
                  Yesterday I spoke with a dear friend who finally asked for help with an elderly parent.  She was so relieved.  Why is it that we feel that we need to do this life the hard way...alone? Even those in partnerships, often have difficulty asking for assistance.
"No thanks, I got it!" That's me, help being offered-me saying no.  Weird...Okay, I'll carry that 50 pound bag to my car, instead of accepting the help of a young man who is getting paid to do this ...Why?  Because I can?  So silly!  
                  Its okay to ask for help...from your neighbor, from your family, from your God.  Its there for you if you are only willing to ask and then to gratefully receive.  
Here is another of my Horse Wisdom Cards

You have been working at
this alone for much too long.
A partnership of some sort is at hand.
There is no shame in asking for help.
You are always giving assistance but
now it’s time to receive some, so let
yourself accept the help of a teammate.
Keep your eyes open and your partner
will appear. Together you can
do just about anything

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


 Look at these dogs.  Isn't this how most of us feel after the holidays? 
Exhausted? yes, Happy? hopefully!
              The beginning of the year has always been a time for me to regroup.  I start the year off by making up my Vision Board.  A Vision Board is a collection of images and words that represent what I would like to create into my reality in the year ahead.  Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, " I have good news and I have bad news.  The good news is, you get whatever you focus on.  The bad news is, you get whatever you focus on!" I choose to focus on the positive and what I want, not what I don't want.  Make a list, cut out pictures, take the time needed to think about your life and where you want to go.  Become the director of your movie, instead of an actor with lines written by someone else.  
               When working with my clients, I find that many folks are approaching a time in their lives where things are changing or completing.  The kids are grown, the retirement is looming or the career path is at a crossroad.  When we discuss, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" many are stumped, they don't have a clue.  This leaves them feeling lost and in despair.  Often times illness sets in and that where I come into the picture.  This inner dialog of "Where do I want to go?", needs to be an ongoing project.  When you plan a vacation, most folks have at least a rough idea of what they want to do and see, if not a detailed schedule.  So why not take some time to dream up your year ahead?  Just take time to stop, get your balance and reach for the stars!
The following is another of my Horse Wisdom Cards

Just stop and take a breath!
Relax.You’ve been going too fast- a
bit out of control.Take a moment to
regain your balance and get yourself
grounded and calm. It will be worth
a few lost minutes to gain a clear
perspective of how to move forward
in balance, with grace.