Friday, July 20, 2012

Stop the Noise!!!

Good Morning!  When we went for our morning walk, my human Sheila told me that some folks mentioned that I am having a typing problem and spell things incorrectly.  So here I am sitting down to do my blog and I asked her to check out my work before I send it out.  She did something strange with her hand and walked out of the room.  What's that about? Go figure...Humans! So I am on my own...a poor little dog with no thumbs.

Here is this weeks letter. And by the way keep sending them in!  It motivates me to write more often!
Dear Liddy,
        I wish I had written you before the forth of July.  I just can't understand what comes over me when I hear fireworks or thunder! I just fall to pieces.  I pant, drool, pace, shake and sometimes even....I am so embarrassed...pee!   Its just terrible.  Do you have any suggestions on how I can get over this?  Summers should be fun, not horrifying!
Signed - Terrified in Tiverton

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Help with Hot Spots

Before Liddy takes control, I (Sheila) would like to say something to the public.  Liddy was right - she is a better blogger than I am.  I posted 12 blogs and got a bit of a nice response.  Liddy posted 2 blogs and received over 200 replies, and 3 offers from animal related industries asking her to represent them.  Frankly, I hate to admit that she was correct. There will be no living with her from here on out.  She will really rub my nose in it now. Dominated by a 14 pound hound ! Okay Liddy are you satisfied?!
Oh were you talking...Yawn...I must have dosed off. 

Well, back to business - 
I received a letter yesterday from a self proclaimed "redneck" hound from FL called Smith.  Here he is in - big surprise - his truck.
Dear Liddy, 
I have been having an embarrassing and bothersome problem.  I have a great big Hot Spot on my back leg.  It is raw and red and I just can't stop licking it.  It is driving me crazy!  To make matters worst, my humans are kicking me off the bed and allowing the stupid Yorkie to stay up there with them!  I am disgusted, humiliated (the Yorkie is telling every hound he sees!) and in a lot of pain.  Help!!

Signed...Freaking in Ft Myers

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gross Eating Habits

A lot has happened in the last few days. My Dogs, I have gotten a grand response from my blog, (folks are wondering what "Rock Pushing " is all about - see You Tube of me in the sidebar.  I might not be the only hound pushing rocks, but I think I am the smallest dog with the largest rock!) and I got in a bit of trouble.  Brigit, alias "The Dope" got really ticked off, and that's not good when you weigh 16lbs and she weighs 120 lbs.  So in order to remain on the outside of her stomach, I have to give her the floor (or keyboard) for a minuet. Then we will get on to "Gross eating habits."
Brigit here....OK  I just have two things to say-
1- Just because I am tall and fast and extremely gorgeous, it does not mean that I am Dumb!
2- Ugh...what are we talking about....was that a squirrel!

Like I said...Dope.  Now that we got that over with...lets start!
Here is a letter from a dog who is always grossing out his human.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My business has gone to the DOGS!

I just can't take it any more!  There she sits, staring at the computer screen begging for inspiration. The She I am speaking of is my human Sheila Ryan.  She likes to think that she likes to write but I know she is full of S#*%.  She hasn't a clue as to what to say!  Me, on the other paw...I am completely different.  I have a ton of things to say, and do so, all day every day.  I know that other than being the best rock pusher on earth, that I am one of the most intelligent and cutest beings on earth!  So I have pushed her away from the computer and have taken over.  Starting today I will be answering questions from dogs and their humans about everything under the sun, cause like I said I am a geniuses, but if perhaps a question is asked that I can't handle, I have a pack of experts from around the country that can help.  I have been traveling with my human for eight years now and have made many great contacts.  Besides pushing rocks I have many other hobbies so it will be fun to explore them also. So lets get started. Here is a question from a dear friend who has a "problem"  A big "problem"!

Dear Liddy,
I have been developing a problem for several years now. I am a 4 year old male Corgi with a terrible weight issue.  Its getting to be a real issue! My human is starting to use me as a hassock!  How demeaning...I go from being a hiking partner and best friend to being a foot rest.  Its all very sad, but I can no longer keep up with him.  What should I do?
signed, Rotund in Rhode Island

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spring time allergies?

Oh the wonders of spring!  The delight of warmer weather, the beautiful blue skies, the wonderful new growth on the trees!  Oh the amazing pain in the sinuses!  Just bending over to put a plant into the ground makes your head want to explode!
I have received numerous phone calls from clients desperate for help with their springtime allergies.  Here are a few things I recommend.

Use a neti pot twice a day. By flushing the sinuses you help to break up the congestion and relieve the pressure. Into the pot add distilled or previously boiled water and a teaspoon of natural non iodine salt. Adding more salt or a bit of baking soda is fine if that cuts the sting of the water.  Many prefer warm water, I like mine on the cooler side (less of a gag reflex with cooler water). If I really have a stubborn sinus congestion I add a 1/4 teaspoon of colloidal silver.  It may sting-but it does clear up the congestion.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ticks and Lyme

           I recently returned from Ohio where I was honored to be a guest speaker at the Equine Affaire.  I did four presentations and all were very well attended. Thank you Equine Affaire for inviting me and thank you to all that attended my talks.  I enjoyed speaking to you and hope to hear from you often!

Ticks, ticks and more ticks...
Are they making your hair stand on end?
           Here in my neck of the woods, in Rhode Island, the tick population has in my opinion, never been higher.  After my daily walk I will take at least 40 of the tiny deer ticks off my dogs and I. Its creeping me out! When I hold a tick I feel a strong tingle between my fingers, and when I touch a living being that has Lyme, I feel that same tingle.  Subsequent testing confirms my "tingle".  Having worked on over 3000 clients over the years and I am finding that over the last year approximately 60% of my clients are Lyme positive. My bet is that  the number is higher than 60% and as testing improves we will have that confirmation.
            There are many symptoms and diseases that are now proving to be from the effects of Lyme that were not considered so in the past, such as digestive problems, nerve issues, brain fog and of course pain. There are many theory's as to why the incidence of Lyme is on the rise, such as EMF's, toxins in the body, poor food choices to name a few. Whatever the reasons, there are natural ways to bring yourself back to health.  Detoxing the body is a huge start with any form of disease.  Consider cleaning up your body and boosting your immune system so you can have the power to ward off disease.  Consider the use of herbs and vitamins to build strength.
             I have been working closely with an herbalist in Maine who has been an amazing source of information about Lyme and many other health issues of animals and humans.  Take a look at Joyce Belchers site Herbs For Life Inc. On my site you can go to my store and link to Dynamite Vitamins and Young Living Oils, both which carry products to detox and boost immunity.  If you suspect or know that you or any of your critters have Lyme, give me a call and I will be happy to discuss the options available.  If you need any help in deciding what products you may need, feel free to contact Joyce or myself for information. We will be happy to help you!
            Would you would like me to get into more details about this subject?  Let me know and I will write more about it. In the meantime-enjoy your spring cleaning, inside and out, and STOP SCRATCHING! :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spit Shine

            I haven't written in a couple of weeks because I have been working on simplifying my life.  Why does it take so much energy to make things simpler? Every morning I spend time connecting with spirit-meditating if you will.  I use a variety of cards and runes that help me focus and learn what spirit wants me to hear for the day.  For weeks I kept getting the card "Simplify Your Life.  So I cleaned out closets, got rid of magazines, cleaned up my office and tossed out old paperwork...still "Simplify Your Life".  So I cleaned up the barn and cleared out the car and truck and picked up the yard...still "Simplify Your Life".  I obviously wasn't getting the message.  My place was looking great, but I wasn't getting it.  Then through a series of  "coincidence's"(which I don't believe in)  I was speaking to a neighbor and we got to discussing how in business many of us want change, but in the interest of keeping things moving we keep doing the same thing over and over again.  We want things to be different but we don't change direction. There's to much fear, to much rush and to many obligations.   He asked what I wanted to be different in my practice.  I talked about how for decades I have been chasing my work all over the country and how after 20 years of travel I would like to spend more time at home.  He mentioned that he had an empty room in his practice and if I wanted to, I could use it.  You could have blown me over with a feather!  This was what I have on my vision board, what I had been talking to the universe about for years!  Here it is! It finally manifested! So for the past couple of weeks I have moved my focus to creating my new reality.