Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My business has gone to the DOGS!

I just can't take it any more!  There she sits, staring at the computer screen begging for inspiration. The She I am speaking of is my human Sheila Ryan.  She likes to think that she likes to write but I know she is full of S#*%.  She hasn't a clue as to what to say!  Me, on the other paw...I am completely different.  I have a ton of things to say, and do so, all day every day.  I know that other than being the best rock pusher on earth, that I am one of the most intelligent and cutest beings on earth!  So I have pushed her away from the computer and have taken over.  Starting today I will be answering questions from dogs and their humans about everything under the sun, cause like I said I am a geniuses, but if perhaps a question is asked that I can't handle, I have a pack of experts from around the country that can help.  I have been traveling with my human for eight years now and have made many great contacts.  Besides pushing rocks I have many other hobbies so it will be fun to explore them also. So lets get started. Here is a question from a dear friend who has a "problem"  A big "problem"!

Dear Liddy,
I have been developing a problem for several years now. I am a 4 year old male Corgi with a terrible weight issue.  Its getting to be a real issue! My human is starting to use me as a hassock!  How demeaning...I go from being a hiking partner and best friend to being a foot rest.  Its all very sad, but I can no longer keep up with him.  What should I do?
signed, Rotund in Rhode Island

Dearest Rotund,
First of all...PUT DOWN THAT PIG EAR!!!!
Then get up and move that fuzzy ass of yours.  See, its all so simple-eat less and move more.
Humans don't help however.  They insist on feeding us like we are one of them, and have you noticed how fat they are becoming lately? The food they give us is processed, dry and has no nutritional value at all. It is full of preservatives and junk additives.  Think McDonald's in a dog food bag.  Here is a photo of me that I am none to proud of, from a few years back.  When Sheila bought that big stupid wolfhound that I have to keep under control at all times, she didn't notice how I was stealing food from the big dope and getting fatter by the minuet.  She was also feeding a dry dog food.
The joke was at the time that I looked like a bloated tick...yeah very funny - not.
So finally Sheila got smart and put us on a raw/freeze dried diet.  I get all raw, and the monster dog gets a mix. Sheila mixes all kinds of stuff into it like veggies, egg shells, organ meat and Probiotics (Dynapro) and vitimins (Showdown) She also started to give me a serving the size of a chipmunk am and pm.....AND she started watching us at dinner time and won't let me push Brigit off her food!!! I don't always love my human :(   But I did go from 24 lbs to 16lbs!
Serving up a raw menu can be a bit of work and a bit of money, but the closer you can get to one the better.  Maybe next time I write I will ask my buddy Sundance to tell us about the details of eating raw. So for now...get that fuzzy butt up and get moving!!
Till Later, Liddy


  1. This is one cool post. Using your pet as a third person describing you as writer. That is so cool like this dog probiotics that I give to my pet dogs at home.

  2. My humans a big fan of Dr Mercolas products and web site! We haven't tried this probiotic but will give it a try! Thanks

  3. Liddy, it is so great to see you out there before the public, right where you belong. Love your blog!
