Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spit Shine

            I haven't written in a couple of weeks because I have been working on simplifying my life.  Why does it take so much energy to make things simpler? Every morning I spend time connecting with spirit-meditating if you will.  I use a variety of cards and runes that help me focus and learn what spirit wants me to hear for the day.  For weeks I kept getting the card "Simplify Your Life.  So I cleaned out closets, got rid of magazines, cleaned up my office and tossed out old paperwork...still "Simplify Your Life".  So I cleaned up the barn and cleared out the car and truck and picked up the yard...still "Simplify Your Life".  I obviously wasn't getting the message.  My place was looking great, but I wasn't getting it.  Then through a series of  "coincidence's"(which I don't believe in)  I was speaking to a neighbor and we got to discussing how in business many of us want change, but in the interest of keeping things moving we keep doing the same thing over and over again.  We want things to be different but we don't change direction. There's to much fear, to much rush and to many obligations.   He asked what I wanted to be different in my practice.  I talked about how for decades I have been chasing my work all over the country and how after 20 years of travel I would like to spend more time at home.  He mentioned that he had an empty room in his practice and if I wanted to, I could use it.  You could have blown me over with a feather!  This was what I have on my vision board, what I had been talking to the universe about for years!  Here it is! It finally manifested! So for the past couple of weeks I have moved my focus to creating my new reality.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Horsing Around


     I just got home from a working trip in Maine.  There were many, many hours of driving and many hours of work with horses, humans and hounds.  The hours on the road were simply beautiful.  The sun was beaming, the sky as blue as it could be, and the snow and mountains breath taking.  I was delighted to meet up with a client/friend that I haven't seen in years and work with her and her shaggy horse. From there I drove on to work with two small dogs that made us laugh and cry, and then an off the track Thoroughbred that was full of wisdom. That was day one. When I get home from these trips I am exhausted, relaxed and happy all at the same time.  For me, its all just horsing around.  I am having the time of my life.  
           In 1988 I was introduced to Joseph Campbell.  He was a writer who researched cultures around the world and worked on comparing the myths.  This man and his writings formed my life from then on.  One of his famous quotes is "Follow your Bliss"  This has been my mantra ever since.  When I am not following my bliss the same long drive that I recently completed would have been a painful hell and the clients frustrating.  I have learned to look at life as a game. Just like a game, this life has victories and defeats, aches and pains, planning and training, but most of all joy and laughter.  
            If what you are doing each day of your life doesn't give you a bit of joy, perhaps its time to look at what gave you joy as a child.  Campbell said that what you enjoyed as a child is what your life path should be. For me it was caring for animals and plants, reading and exercising.  If I keep all of these things in my daily life I am living the life of Bliss.  Sometimes, in order to remember what gives you joy, you may need to go out and Play.  Go out and Horse Around...find that spark of joy and do whatever you have to to hang on to it!
Horsing Around
Play time!
Enough of all this serious work.
When was the last time you
took a break, not to rest but to play?
Explore a new landscape or swim
in a distant lake – anything
that is not what you do every day.
Kick up your heels and race around
a bit, just for the fun of it.
The rewards will be a light heart,
a relaxed body and good memories.
Just horse around for a while!