Friday, July 20, 2012

Stop the Noise!!!

Good Morning!  When we went for our morning walk, my human Sheila told me that some folks mentioned that I am having a typing problem and spell things incorrectly.  So here I am sitting down to do my blog and I asked her to check out my work before I send it out.  She did something strange with her hand and walked out of the room.  What's that about? Go figure...Humans! So I am on my own...a poor little dog with no thumbs.

Here is this weeks letter. And by the way keep sending them in!  It motivates me to write more often!
Dear Liddy,
        I wish I had written you before the forth of July.  I just can't understand what comes over me when I hear fireworks or thunder! I just fall to pieces.  I pant, drool, pace, shake and sometimes even....I am so embarrassed...pee!   Its just terrible.  Do you have any suggestions on how I can get over this?  Summers should be fun, not horrifying!
Signed - Terrified in Tiverton

Dear Terrified, 
        First of all, I think a bit of peeing is not a problem at all compared to additional drooling with those jowls!  Your human must have to follow you with a mop and bucket during the storms! JK
Seriously...I Really know what you are talking about!  Not me of course, but the Big Dope I live with (Brigit) used to fall apart a lot and still will if a thunderstorm hits and our human is not home.  Of course the answer to that problem is that she always takes us with her or stays home, but she is just not listening!
        What does work for "the dope" may not be the fix for you so here are a few options.
- This problem is progressive so if your human sees you shaking or being nervous as a pup, acting on it right away is better than letting you work it out on your own.  You look like a young guy, so talk your human into playing with you during a storm and giving you a lot of treats.  After a short time when you hear loud noises you will be thinking play instead of terror. This is what works for Brigit.  It's so easy to train a Human!
- Thunder Shirts work by applying gently pressure on your body.  It feels like a hug and calms the nervous system.
- For mild cases Bach's Rescue Remedy or Peace and Calm oil is relaxing.
- Some dogs do well in a truck or a car, I think the rubber tires block the electrical feelings or we just love being in the truck! For some a dirt floor, like inside our barn or even the bathroom can do the same thing. Taking a dryer sheet to your coat cuts the electrical tingle and there is also a dog jacket called Storm Defender that is supposed to block electrical energy.  I have never seen one but a friend or two said it worked.
- Your human can play a recording of a thunder storm during dinner or play time, softly at first and then louder as you get used to it.

So don't look so sad, you will get over it with a little help.  Remember in nature, as wild Dogs if there is a bad storm we would hide in the back of our den deep under the ground, piled up with our pack. So cut yourself some slack, stay with your pack and pick the method I prefer - the play and eat during a storm!

Until next time..

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